Hangar Rats (NR)


Extended Sky Flight Academy was never prepared for what two brothers had in mind, nor did the regulatory agencies involved namely the GADO (General Aviation District Office) of the local FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). Extended Sky started when a retired cop wanted to learn how to fly, After learning, Michael found the cost of flying was more than he could afford. He and his flight instructor joined their resources and started teaching their friends out of a hangar and living in a little tent trailer. On the second year the fickle fate of fortune struck when a foreign tour group stumbled unto this little back water airport. Within a few months business was so good three helicopters were flying eight hours a day. Don Hilbie a hover loving wrench turner hired on right out of the Guard. Soon the flight school needed their first turbine helicopter, hence Dave Hilbie was lured over by Michael's new wife with a job offer Dave couldn't refuse. Free flight time. As Extended Sky grew so did the staff, the air fleet, students and the need for more mechanics, instructors, staff, facilities and more aircraft. As they said opportunity knocked and no one knew what was behind that door. In five years from humble beginnings Extended Sky became a multi million dollar company spanning the globe.

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Extended Sky Flight Academy was never prepared for what two brothers had in mind, nor did the regulatory agencies involved namely the GADO (General Aviation District Office) of the local FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). Extended Sky started when a retired cop wanted to learn how to fly, After learning, Michael found the cost of flying was more than he could afford. He and his flight instructor joined their resources and started teaching their friends out of a hangar and living in a little tent trailer. On the second year the fickle fate of fortune struck when a foreign tour group stumbled unto this little back water airport. Within a few months business was so good three helicopters were flying eight hours a day. Don Hilbie a hover loving wrench turner hired on right out of the Guard. Soon the flight school needed their first turbine helicopter, hence Dave Hilbie was lured over by Michael's new wife with a job offer Dave couldn't refuse. Free flight time. As Extended Sky grew so did the staff, the air fleet, students and the need for more mechanics, instructors, staff, facilities and more aircraft. As they said opportunity knocked and no one knew what was behind that door. In five years from humble beginnings Extended Sky became a multi million dollar company spanning the globe.