Sex and the City (R)
Theatrical version of the television series based on Candace Bushnell's book "Sex and the City," which chronicles the sexy exploits of New Yorkers.
Comedy, Romance
2 hr. 25 min.
Opened May 30th, 2008
MovieGoer Review
This big-screen adaptation might be a little glossier than we're used to, but it's also as familiar and comfortable as slipping into a pair of Manolo Blahniks.
It's been four years since we last saw columnist Car... MORE
Theatrical version of the television series based on Candace Bushnell's book "Sex and the City," which chronicles the sexy exploits of New Yorkers.
Comedy, Romance
2 hr. 25 min.
Opened May 30th, 2008
MovieGoer Review
This big-screen adaptation might be a little glossier than we're used to, but it's also as familiar and comfortable as slipping into a pair of Manolo Blahniks.
It's been four years since we last saw columnist Car... MORE