Reign Over Me (R)

A man, who lost his family in the Sept. 11th attacks and has never recovered from his grief, runs into his former college roommate who is determined to help his ex-roomie come to grips with his loss.
2 hr. 4 min.
Opened March 23rd, 2007
MovieGoer Review
Billy Madison cries? Who knew?! In Reign Over Me, Adam Sandler's casting isn't the only thing that's odd, but it's hard not to be moved in some way.
While not a "9/11 movie," nor attempting to be, Reign Over Me s... MORE

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A man, who lost his family in the Sept. 11th attacks and has never recovered from his grief, runs into his former college roommate who is determined to help his ex-roomie come to grips with his loss.
2 hr. 4 min.
Opened March 23rd, 2007
MovieGoer Review
Billy Madison cries? Who knew?! In Reign Over Me, Adam Sandler's casting isn't the only thing that's odd, but it's hard not to be moved in some way.
While not a "9/11 movie," nor attempting to be, Reign Over Me s... MORE