The Noah (NR)
Noah, the sole remaining survivor on Earth after a nuclear holocaust, finds himself unable to accept his unique predicament. To cope with his loneliness, he creates an imaginary companion, then a companion for his companion and finally an entire civilization -- a world of illusion in which there is no reality but Noah, no rules but those of the extinct world of his memory.
Drama, SciFi/Fantasy
1 hr. 47 min.
Opened April 10th, 1975
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Noah, the sole remaining survivor on Earth after a nuclear holocaust, finds himself unable to accept his unique predicament. To cope with his loneliness, he creates an imaginary companion, then a companion for his companion and finally an entire civilization -- a world of illusion in which there is no reality but Noah, no rules but those of the extinct world of his memory.
Drama, SciFi/Fantasy
1 hr. 47 min.
Opened April 10th, 1975