The Illusionist (2006) (PG-13)

Set in early 20th-century Vienna, a stage magician uses his magic to win back the great love of his life from a brutal enemy, her fiance, who is also the powerful crowned prince of Austria.
Drama, Romance
1 hr. 50 min.
Opened August 18th, 2006
MovieGoer Review
Elusive and stunningly rich, The Illusionist—with its big-budget look and indie sensibilities—is a haunting romance wrapped in an enigma.
The Illusionist is also a bit sluggish, sort of like a complicated mag... MORE

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Set in early 20th-century Vienna, a stage magician uses his magic to win back the great love of his life from a brutal enemy, her fiance, who is also the powerful crowned prince of Austria.
Drama, Romance
1 hr. 50 min.
Opened August 18th, 2006
MovieGoer Review
Elusive and stunningly rich, The Illusionist—with its big-budget look and indie sensibilities—is a haunting romance wrapped in an enigma.
The Illusionist is also a bit sluggish, sort of like a complicated mag... MORE