Taina: A New Amazon Adventure (Tainá - Uma Aventura na Amazônia) (NR)


Fearless young Taina uses her wits to thwart the villains threatening her beloved rainforest. The evil jungle pirates are out to steal the young animals that have been adopted as pets (or "xerimbabos") by the children of Taina's village. To rescue the animals, Tainá teams up with a spirited six-year-old girl who wants a xerimbabo of her own, and a boy who's gotten lost in the forest with his spunky pet terrier.


Drama, Family
1 hr. 16 min.


Mauro Lima


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Fearless young Taina uses her wits to thwart the villains threatening her beloved rainforest. The evil jungle pirates are out to steal the young animals that have been adopted as pets (or "xerimbabos") by the children of Taina's village. To rescue the animals, Tainá teams up with a spirited six-year-old girl who wants a xerimbabo of her own, and a boy who's gotten lost in the forest with his spunky pet terrier.


Drama, Family
1 hr. 16 min.


Mauro Lima
