Superman Returns (PG-13)

Following a mysterious absence of several years, Superman comes back to Earth -- but things have changed. While an old enemy plots to render him powerless once and for all, The Man of Steel faces the heartbreaking realization that the woman he loves, Lois Lane, has moved on with her life. Or has she? Superman's bittersweet return challenges him to bridge the distance between them while finding a place in a society that has learned to survive without him. In an attempt to protect the world he loves from cataclysmic destruction, Superman embarks on an epic journey of redemption that takes him from the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of outer space.
Fantasy, Action/Adventure
2 hr. 34 min.
Opened June 28th, 2006
MovieGoer Review
Is Superman still able to soar on the big screen? With some elegant direction from Bryan Singer, state-of-the-art special effects and a winning performance from the latest Man of Steel, Brandon Routh, the answer is a resounding yes. But lit... MORE

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Following a mysterious absence of several years, Superman comes back to Earth -- but things have changed. While an old enemy plots to render him powerless once and for all, The Man of Steel faces the heartbreaking realization that the woman he loves, Lois Lane, has moved on with her life. Or has she? Superman's bittersweet return challenges him to bridge the distance between them while finding a place in a society that has learned to survive without him. In an attempt to protect the world he loves from cataclysmic destruction, Superman embarks on an epic journey of redemption that takes him from the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of outer space.
Fantasy, Action/Adventure
2 hr. 34 min.
Opened June 28th, 2006
MovieGoer Review
Is Superman still able to soar on the big screen? With some elegant direction from Bryan Singer, state-of-the-art special effects and a winning performance from the latest Man of Steel, Brandon Routh, the answer is a resounding yes. But lit... MORE