Dear Wendy (NR)

Set in the small town of Estherslope, this is the tale of an 18-year-old outsider named Dick, who having recently lost his father, finds comfort and friendship in the unlikely form of a pistol. He and his gang, the Dandies, name their weapons -- his is "Wendy" -- but they have sworn never to draw them.
1 hr. 40 min.
Opened September 23rd, 2005

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Set in the small town of Estherslope, this is the tale of an 18-year-old outsider named Dick, who having recently lost his father, finds comfort and friendship in the unlikely form of a pistol. He and his gang, the Dandies, name their weapons -- his is "Wendy" -- but they have sworn never to draw them.
1 hr. 40 min.
Opened September 23rd, 2005