Diary of a Mad Black Woman (PG-13)

Helen McCarter has seemingly had the perfect life with husband Charles McCarter. Over the years, Helen has been a faithful and loving wife, while Charles built a successful and lucrative career as a prominent Atlanta attorney. They wear the latest fashions, drive the nicest cars, have all the possessions they need, and they live on an expansive estate complete with an extravagant mansion, swimming pool, tennis court and all the trappings of wealth--a little piece of paradise away from the city. However, on the eve of their 18th wedding anniversary, Helen's paradise begins to crumble as Charles announces that he wants a divorce. He abruptly and literally tosses Helen out of the mansion to make room for the other woman. With all of her possessions packed in a moving van, Helen starts on her journey to put the pieces of her life back together. Through the assistance of her friends, family, faith, and a twist of fate, Helen finds the strength and empowerment she needs to get control of her circumstances. She also finds that the tragic events of her life soon become comic, especially with the guidance and help-- mostly unsolicited, by the way--of her pot-smoking, gun-toting, and much beloved, grandmother figure Madea.
1 hr. 56 min.
Opened February 25th, 2005
MovieGoer Review
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Sound vaguely familiar? Sure it does. The sometimes hilarious but oftentimes tiresome Diary of a Mad Black Woman--based on the hit play by writer-actor Tyler Perry--takes from a long line of movies ab... MORE

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Helen McCarter has seemingly had the perfect life with husband Charles McCarter. Over the years, Helen has been a faithful and loving wife, while Charles built a successful and lucrative career as a prominent Atlanta attorney. They wear the latest fashions, drive the nicest cars, have all the possessions they need, and they live on an expansive estate complete with an extravagant mansion, swimming pool, tennis court and all the trappings of wealth--a little piece of paradise away from the city. However, on the eve of their 18th wedding anniversary, Helen's paradise begins to crumble as Charles announces that he wants a divorce. He abruptly and literally tosses Helen out of the mansion to make room for the other woman. With all of her possessions packed in a moving van, Helen starts on her journey to put the pieces of her life back together. Through the assistance of her friends, family, faith, and a twist of fate, Helen finds the strength and empowerment she needs to get control of her circumstances. She also finds that the tragic events of her life soon become comic, especially with the guidance and help-- mostly unsolicited, by the way--of her pot-smoking, gun-toting, and much beloved, grandmother figure Madea.
1 hr. 56 min.
Opened February 25th, 2005
MovieGoer Review
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Sound vaguely familiar? Sure it does. The sometimes hilarious but oftentimes tiresome Diary of a Mad Black Woman--based on the hit play by writer-actor Tyler Perry--takes from a long line of movies ab... MORE