Woman Thou Art Loosed (R)

After shooting her abusive stepfather, Reggie, at a church revival, an ex-stripper and crack addict-turned-honest-citizen, named Michelle, confesses the motives of her crime to a Bishop while she sits on Death Row. Michelle's tale draws the story of a young, damaged woman attempting overcome painful demons--the memories of abuse and molestation that she suffered at the hands of her "Uncle" Reggie and the abyss of drugs, prostitution and incarceration that she fell into as a result. Michelle's mother Cassie, who remains conflicted, vacillates between truth and denial of her situation and the terrible abuse that she unwittingly condoned.
1 hr. 39 min.
Opened October 1st, 2004

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After shooting her abusive stepfather, Reggie, at a church revival, an ex-stripper and crack addict-turned-honest-citizen, named Michelle, confesses the motives of her crime to a Bishop while she sits on Death Row. Michelle's tale draws the story of a young, damaged woman attempting overcome painful demons--the memories of abuse and molestation that she suffered at the hands of her "Uncle" Reggie and the abyss of drugs, prostitution and incarceration that she fell into as a result. Michelle's mother Cassie, who remains conflicted, vacillates between truth and denial of her situation and the terrible abuse that she unwittingly condoned.
1 hr. 39 min.
Opened October 1st, 2004