The Manchurian Candidate (2004) (R)

A psychological thriller in which a career soldier, Army Major Bennett Marco, grows suspicious about his experiences in Desert Storm after Squad Sergeant Raymond Shaw, son of the powerful Senator Eleanor Shaw, becomes a candidate for Vice President.
Drama, Action/Adventure
2 hr. 10 min.
Opened July 30th, 2004
MovieGoer Review
The Manchurian Candidate isn't so much a remake of the 1962 John Frankenheimer classic as a watered-down hallucination of it, as if someone threw all the original script pages in the air and then chased them down a windy beach.
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A psychological thriller in which a career soldier, Army Major Bennett Marco, grows suspicious about his experiences in Desert Storm after Squad Sergeant Raymond Shaw, son of the powerful Senator Eleanor Shaw, becomes a candidate for Vice President.
Drama, Action/Adventure
2 hr. 10 min.
Opened July 30th, 2004
MovieGoer Review
The Manchurian Candidate isn't so much a remake of the 1962 John Frankenheimer classic as a watered-down hallucination of it, as if someone threw all the original script pages in the air and then chased them down a windy beach.
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