The Shawshank Redemption (R)


Red, serving a life sentence, and Andy Dufresne, a mild-mannered banker wrongly convicted of murder, forge an unlikely bond that will span more than 20 years in the Shawshank prison. Together they discover hope as the ultimate means of survival. Under horrifying conditions and the ever-present threat of violence, these two lifers reclaim their souls and find freedom within their hearts in The Shawshank Redemption.

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Red, serving a life sentence, and Andy Dufresne, a mild-mannered banker wrongly convicted of murder, forge an unlikely bond that will span more than 20 years in the Shawshank prison. Together they discover hope as the ultimate means of survival. Under horrifying conditions and the ever-present threat of violence, these two lifers reclaim their souls and find freedom within their hearts in The Shawshank Redemption.