Scary Movie 3 (PG-13)

Having graduated college, the hapless Cindy Campbell has become a television News Anchorwoman. She is directed to investigate the mysterious crop circles on Tom Logan's farm, and discovers the eerie secret behind the death of a close friend. Along her journey, Cindy pays a visit to Orpheus, who explains to her that she is "The One," and prophesizes that she must help the U.S. President to prevent a full-scale alien invasion against the country.
Comedy, SciFi/Fantasy
1 hr. 30 min.
Opened October 24th, 2003
MovieGoer Review
The Scary Movie horror spoof franchise goes for a third round, this time taking shots at Signs, The Ring and, bizarrely, 8 Mile.
The reemergence of horror movies in recent years has helped create the most inescap... MORE

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Having graduated college, the hapless Cindy Campbell has become a television News Anchorwoman. She is directed to investigate the mysterious crop circles on Tom Logan's farm, and discovers the eerie secret behind the death of a close friend. Along her journey, Cindy pays a visit to Orpheus, who explains to her that she is "The One," and prophesizes that she must help the U.S. President to prevent a full-scale alien invasion against the country.
Comedy, SciFi/Fantasy
1 hr. 30 min.
Opened October 24th, 2003
MovieGoer Review
The Scary Movie horror spoof franchise goes for a third round, this time taking shots at Signs, The Ring and, bizarrely, 8 Mile.
The reemergence of horror movies in recent years has helped create the most inescap... MORE