Looney Tunes: Back in Action (PG)
In a universe where "Looney Tunes" live in the same "real world" as humans, Daffy Duck quits his job at a Hollywood studio because he feels like Bugs Bunny gets all the attention. Daffy teams up with a recently-fired stuntman who wants to find his father's mythical lost "Blue Diamond". Soon, the duo are traveling from Hollywood to Las Vegas, and across the world, from America to Africa, with a studio executive and Bugs Bunny hot on their tail, trying to get Daffy to come back to his Hollywood career.
Animation, Adventure
1 hr. 33 min.
Opened November 14th, 2003
MovieGoer Review
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck--the yin and the yang of Warner Bros.' classic Looney Tunes--are indeed back in action when they find themselves in an over-the-top misadventure with a bunch of overacting humans.
Looney... MORE
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In a universe where "Looney Tunes" live in the same "real world" as humans, Daffy Duck quits his job at a Hollywood studio because he feels like Bugs Bunny gets all the attention. Daffy teams up with a recently-fired stuntman who wants to find his father's mythical lost "Blue Diamond". Soon, the duo are traveling from Hollywood to Las Vegas, and across the world, from America to Africa, with a studio executive and Bugs Bunny hot on their tail, trying to get Daffy to come back to his Hollywood career.
Animation, Adventure
1 hr. 33 min.
Opened November 14th, 2003
MovieGoer Review
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck--the yin and the yang of Warner Bros.' classic Looney Tunes--are indeed back in action when they find themselves in an over-the-top misadventure with a bunch of overacting humans.
Looney... MORE