Bowling for Columbine (R)

A look at America's love affair with firearms and the pathology of violence in the United States, which has the highest gun-murder rate in the world. The question of why Canada - with 7 million guns for its total of 10 million households - doesn't suffer from the horrific gun violence of its large neighbor to the south is examined.
2 hr. 0 min.
Opened October 11th, 2002
MovieGoer Review
Michael Moore takes aim at the ever-increasing gun violence in America.
Michael Moore, the writer, director, producer and featured interviewer for Bowling for Columbine (a title best explained by the film) trave... MORE

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A look at America's love affair with firearms and the pathology of violence in the United States, which has the highest gun-murder rate in the world. The question of why Canada - with 7 million guns for its total of 10 million households - doesn't suffer from the horrific gun violence of its large neighbor to the south is examined.
2 hr. 0 min.
Opened October 11th, 2002
MovieGoer Review
Michael Moore takes aim at the ever-increasing gun violence in America.
Michael Moore, the writer, director, producer and featured interviewer for Bowling for Columbine (a title best explained by the film) trave... MORE