

Bhadra, Shiva, and Koti, orphaned and intertwined since childhood, drift into ganja smuggling to survive. Along their journey, they meet Meena, whose compassion inspires them to leave their illicit trade behind. However, when Meena's mother needs urgent surgery, they reluctantly return to the trade, only to be caught by the police.


Action/Adventure, Drama
2 hr. 18 min.
Opened May 10th, 2024

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Bhadra, Shiva, and Koti, orphaned and intertwined since childhood, drift into ganja smuggling to survive. Along their journey, they meet Meena, whose compassion inspires them to leave their illicit trade behind. However, when Meena's mother needs urgent surgery, they reluctantly return to the trade, only to be caught by the police.


Action/Adventure, Drama
2 hr. 18 min.
Opened May 10th, 2024