Midnight Cowboy (R)

A con man and a Texas hustler try to survive on the tough streets of New York.
1 hr. 53 min.
Opened July 30th, 1969
MovieGoer Review
(Spoilers, as one might expect from a retrospective of a 50-year old movie.)
Midnight Cowboy, the only X-rated film to win a Best Picture Oscar, is less shocking than its reputation might indicate. Essentially a two-character bud... MORE

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A con man and a Texas hustler try to survive on the tough streets of New York.
1 hr. 53 min.
Opened July 30th, 1969
MovieGoer Review
(Spoilers, as one might expect from a retrospective of a 50-year old movie.)
Midnight Cowboy, the only X-rated film to win a Best Picture Oscar, is less shocking than its reputation might indicate. Essentially a two-character bud... MORE