AB: The Life and Work of Albert Bloch

"AB" is the story of a singular artist, a unique individual, who used his unusual life as an inspiration for his artistic statements. Bloch's life is a compelling, colorful and thought-provoking journey. "AB" is a documentary that provides a stirring profile of the artist through his own words and poetry, interviews with Bloch's students, his widow, his admirers and his critics in the art world.
0 hr. 48 min.

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"AB" is the story of a singular artist, a unique individual, who used his unusual life as an inspiration for his artistic statements. Bloch's life is a compelling, colorful and thought-provoking journey. "AB" is a documentary that provides a stirring profile of the artist through his own words and poetry, interviews with Bloch's students, his widow, his admirers and his critics in the art world.
0 hr. 48 min.