Star Spangled Rhythm (NR)

This is an avant-garde and self-conscious morality play in which the Spirit Not of Life but of Living, a freewheeling sprite who whirls through Manhattan, meets Suffering, a down-and-out artist who whines about the unfairness of life, while recycled images of religion, popular culture and politics explore the ideologies that swirl around them.
Comedy, Musical
1 hr. 39 min.
Opened December 2nd, 1942

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This is an avant-garde and self-conscious morality play in which the Spirit Not of Life but of Living, a freewheeling sprite who whirls through Manhattan, meets Suffering, a down-and-out artist who whines about the unfairness of life, while recycled images of religion, popular culture and politics explore the ideologies that swirl around them.
Comedy, Musical
1 hr. 39 min.
Opened December 2nd, 1942