Into My Heart (NR)

Ben and Adam have been best friends since they were children. Adam is the golden boy, for whom everything goes well. At college he falls in love with Nina and after a perfect courtship they are married. Ben, by contrast, has a hard time finding love, although he does eventually marry Kat. But when they move to New York he and Nina begin an affair that has far-reaching consequences for all four characters.
Drama, Romance
1 hr. 33 min.
Opened May 5th, 2000

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Ben and Adam have been best friends since they were children. Adam is the golden boy, for whom everything goes well. At college he falls in love with Nina and after a perfect courtship they are married. Ben, by contrast, has a hard time finding love, although he does eventually marry Kat. But when they move to New York he and Nina begin an affair that has far-reaching consequences for all four characters.
Drama, Romance
1 hr. 33 min.
Opened May 5th, 2000