Golden Years (2016)

Fate, the financial crisis and a stubborn refusal to accept the injustices of old age have forced law-abiding, retired couple Arthur and Martha Goode into a life of crime. Refusing to take the loss of their pensions lying down and simply fade away into their declining years, our characters decide to fight back and take back what's rightfully theirs. Their plan is simple: hit a series of banks and steal back their pensions along with those of their similarly stricken friends. After all, no one would expect an elderly couple towing a caravan behind their sensible Rover of being a modern-day Bonnie-and Clyde? Pretty soon, their friends are recruited to form a motley band of unusual suspects and they prepare to take down the biggest bank of all.
1 hr. 36 min.

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Fate, the financial crisis and a stubborn refusal to accept the injustices of old age have forced law-abiding, retired couple Arthur and Martha Goode into a life of crime. Refusing to take the loss of their pensions lying down and simply fade away into their declining years, our characters decide to fight back and take back what's rightfully theirs. Their plan is simple: hit a series of banks and steal back their pensions along with those of their similarly stricken friends. After all, no one would expect an elderly couple towing a caravan behind their sensible Rover of being a modern-day Bonnie-and Clyde? Pretty soon, their friends are recruited to form a motley band of unusual suspects and they prepare to take down the biggest bank of all.
1 hr. 36 min.