Monkeybone (PG-13)
The comedy revolves around a cartoonist and the incredible fantasy world that takes place in his mind after he slips into a coma. Trapped in this outrageous land nestled between life and death, he must somehow find the means to return to reality. The film combines live action and stop animation.
Fantasy, Animation
1 hr. 32 min.
Opened February 23rd, 2001
MovieGoer Review
Brendan Fraser is mild-mannered cartoonist Stu Miley, who's finally made it with his comic book about an obnoxious monkey named Monkeybone. He's about to propose to his girlfriend Julie (Bridget Fonda). Things are going gre... MORE
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The comedy revolves around a cartoonist and the incredible fantasy world that takes place in his mind after he slips into a coma. Trapped in this outrageous land nestled between life and death, he must somehow find the means to return to reality. The film combines live action and stop animation.
Fantasy, Animation
1 hr. 32 min.
Opened February 23rd, 2001
MovieGoer Review
Brendan Fraser is mild-mannered cartoonist Stu Miley, who's finally made it with his comic book about an obnoxious monkey named Monkeybone. He's about to propose to his girlfriend Julie (Bridget Fonda). Things are going gre... MORE