Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime)
Directed by renowned animator Hayao Miyazaki, this anime has broken a number of box office records in its native Japan. Essentially a statement on the ecological devastation brought on by human advancement, the story follows the battle between Princess Mononoke and a mining village.
Animation, Adventure
2 hr. 15 min.
MovieGoer Review
In the United States, when one speaks of animation, two things almost immediately spring to mind: Disney features and Saturday morning cartoons. While there have been flashes of brilliance from the former (''Beauty and the Beast''), the lat... MORE
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Directed by renowned animator Hayao Miyazaki, this anime has broken a number of box office records in its native Japan. Essentially a statement on the ecological devastation brought on by human advancement, the story follows the battle between Princess Mononoke and a mining village.
Animation, Adventure
2 hr. 15 min.
MovieGoer Review
In the United States, when one speaks of animation, two things almost immediately spring to mind: Disney features and Saturday morning cartoons. While there have been flashes of brilliance from the former (''Beauty and the Beast''), the lat... MORE