Trippin' (R)
A hip comedy with an attitude, Trippin' tells the story of Gregory Reed, an average high school senior given to flights of fantasy. In his final months of high school, Greg's idea of planning the future is trying to figure out how he will pay for the prom. Through some hard lessons and by finding true love, though, Greg is able to look forward to his real life as much as his fantasies.
1 hr. 40 min.
Opened May 12th, 1999
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A hip comedy with an attitude, Trippin' tells the story of Gregory Reed, an average high school senior given to flights of fantasy. In his final months of high school, Greg's idea of planning the future is trying to figure out how he will pay for the prom. Through some hard lessons and by finding true love, though, Greg is able to look forward to his real life as much as his fantasies.
1 hr. 40 min.
Opened May 12th, 1999