Missing William (PG)

This film is a romantic drama about the love that lives through loss. The story follows Abby, a thirty-something artist living in Rhode Island caring for her husband William after he's tragically injured in a bar fight. As she attempts to coax him back to health, James, her childhood sweetheart and unrequited love, attempts to coax her back into living life again herself. The complicated love triangle that ensues is touching, poignant, and concludes with a realization that's as profound as it is beautiful.
Opened March 7th, 2014

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This film is a romantic drama about the love that lives through loss. The story follows Abby, a thirty-something artist living in Rhode Island caring for her husband William after he's tragically injured in a bar fight. As she attempts to coax him back to health, James, her childhood sweetheart and unrequited love, attempts to coax her back into living life again herself. The complicated love triangle that ensues is touching, poignant, and concludes with a realization that's as profound as it is beautiful.
Opened March 7th, 2014