Meet Joe Black (PG-13)

Meet Joe Black tells the story of media tycoon William Parrish, whose charmed life and orderly household are suddenly disrupted by the arrival of an enigmatic young man named Joe Black, , an otherworldly presence who proceeds to fall in love with Parrish's beautiful daughter Susan. For Parrish, Susan and the rest of his family, the consequences of this romance are profound, complicated and bittersweet.
Fantasy, Drama
3 hr. 1 min.
Opened November 13th, 1998

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Meet Joe Black tells the story of media tycoon William Parrish, whose charmed life and orderly household are suddenly disrupted by the arrival of an enigmatic young man named Joe Black, , an otherworldly presence who proceeds to fall in love with Parrish's beautiful daughter Susan. For Parrish, Susan and the rest of his family, the consequences of this romance are profound, complicated and bittersweet.
Fantasy, Drama
3 hr. 1 min.
Opened November 13th, 1998