The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (1961) (R)

Academy Award-winning superstars of different generations Warren Beatty (Bonnie and Clyde, Splendor in the Grass) and Vivien Leigh (Gone With the Wind, A Streetcar Named Desire) star in this Tennessee Williams story about an aging actress who moves to Rome to revive her career, but becomes more involved with romance when a pretty penny buys her a fling with an intriguing young gigolo.
Drama, Romance
1 hr. 44 min.
Opened December 28th, 1961

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Academy Award-winning superstars of different generations Warren Beatty (Bonnie and Clyde, Splendor in the Grass) and Vivien Leigh (Gone With the Wind, A Streetcar Named Desire) star in this Tennessee Williams story about an aging actress who moves to Rome to revive her career, but becomes more involved with romance when a pretty penny buys her a fling with an intriguing young gigolo.
Drama, Romance
1 hr. 44 min.
Opened December 28th, 1961