Nights of Cabiria (Le Notti di Cabiria)


In the role that won her the Best Actress award at Cannes, Giulietta Masina stars as "Cabiria," a tough Roman streetwalker who, after a near-drowning by her pimp boyfriend, is swept off her feet by a square, but sympathetic, accountant... until a final disillusionment. Federico Fellini's showcase for his wife won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film of its year.

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In the role that won her the Best Actress award at Cannes, Giulietta Masina stars as "Cabiria," a tough Roman streetwalker who, after a near-drowning by her pimp boyfriend, is swept off her feet by a square, but sympathetic, accountant... until a final disillusionment. Federico Fellini's showcase for his wife won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film of its year.