Mafia! (PG-13)

As the story of the Cortino family unfolds over nearly a century, young and innocent Vincenzo Cortino is driven from his home in Sicily and forced to swim to America. There he grows up to become the infamous patriarch of a powerful crime family. However, in his twilight years, Vincenzo realizes the reins of power must be handed down to one of his sons: either the psychotic Joey or the war hero Anthony. Strong family loyalty, the struggle for power and relentless treachery form the unlikely background for this parody.
1 hr. 43 min.
Opened July 24th, 1998

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As the story of the Cortino family unfolds over nearly a century, young and innocent Vincenzo Cortino is driven from his home in Sicily and forced to swim to America. There he grows up to become the infamous patriarch of a powerful crime family. However, in his twilight years, Vincenzo realizes the reins of power must be handed down to one of his sons: either the psychotic Joey or the war hero Anthony. Strong family loyalty, the struggle for power and relentless treachery form the unlikely background for this parody.
1 hr. 43 min.
Opened July 24th, 1998