Out of Africa (PG)

A Danish woman marries a baron whom she doesn't love and moves with him to his Kenyan coffee plantation. After enduring his womanizing behavior, she eventually kicks him out and then meets a British adventurer with whom she falls in love. Upon her return to Denmark, she becomes a famous novelist and writes about her romantic adventure.
Drama, Romance
2 hr. 40 min.
Opened December 18th, 1985

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A Danish woman marries a baron whom she doesn't love and moves with him to his Kenyan coffee plantation. After enduring his womanizing behavior, she eventually kicks him out and then meets a British adventurer with whom she falls in love. Upon her return to Denmark, she becomes a famous novelist and writes about her romantic adventure.
Drama, Romance
2 hr. 40 min.
Opened December 18th, 1985