A Hard Day's Night (1964) (G)

The year is 1964 and four young lads from Liverpool are about to change the world - if only the madcap world will let them out of their hotel room. Richard Lester's boldly contemporary rock n' roll comedy unleashes the fledgling Beatles into a maelstrom of screaming fans, paranoid producers, rabid press and troublesome family members, and reveals the secret of their survival and success: an insatiable lust for mischief and a life-affirming addiction to joy.
Comedy, Music
1 hr. 27 min.
Opened August 11th, 1964

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The year is 1964 and four young lads from Liverpool are about to change the world - if only the madcap world will let them out of their hotel room. Richard Lester's boldly contemporary rock n' roll comedy unleashes the fledgling Beatles into a maelstrom of screaming fans, paranoid producers, rabid press and troublesome family members, and reveals the secret of their survival and success: an insatiable lust for mischief and a life-affirming addiction to joy.
Comedy, Music
1 hr. 27 min.
Opened August 11th, 1964