Snowbeast (NR)

Mystery hangs over the Rill Ski Resort in Colorado after a young skier is killed by a yeti. However, the Ski Resort owner and town sheriff are not keen to believe this tall tale, especially with the new season and festival looming ever closer. Carnage, mayhem and a man in a badly fitted yeti outfit, what's not to like?
Horror, Suspense/Thriller
1 hr. 26 min.

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Mystery hangs over the Rill Ski Resort in Colorado after a young skier is killed by a yeti. However, the Ski Resort owner and town sheriff are not keen to believe this tall tale, especially with the new season and festival looming ever closer. Carnage, mayhem and a man in a badly fitted yeti outfit, what's not to like?
Horror, Suspense/Thriller
1 hr. 26 min.