The Last Homecoming (O Teleftaios gyrismos) (NR)


The conflicted love of Alexandra, a young college student, for two brothers--one an easygoing homebody, the other a radical political activist--signals the larger dilemma of Cyprus in the cataclysmic summer of 1974. The opening night of an amateur production of Euripides' "Trojan Women" brings the seaside town's feuding factions together while conflicts in the spheres of love and politics come to a head.

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The conflicted love of Alexandra, a young college student, for two brothers--one an easygoing homebody, the other a radical political activist--signals the larger dilemma of Cyprus in the cataclysmic summer of 1974. The opening night of an amateur production of Euripides' "Trojan Women" brings the seaside town's feuding factions together while conflicts in the spheres of love and politics come to a head.