Tru Loved (NR)

Sixteen-year-old Tru is uprooted by her lesbian moms from her comfortable gay-friendly home in San Francisco and moved to a conservative, suburban community in Southern California. Tru's only friend is a closeted football player, and even that friendship is jeopardized when she starts the school's first Gay-Straight Alliance.
Comedy, Drama
1 hr. 39 min.
Opened October 17th, 2008

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Sixteen-year-old Tru is uprooted by her lesbian moms from her comfortable gay-friendly home in San Francisco and moved to a conservative, suburban community in Southern California. Tru's only friend is a closeted football player, and even that friendship is jeopardized when she starts the school's first Gay-Straight Alliance.
Comedy, Drama
1 hr. 39 min.
Opened October 17th, 2008