Disaster Movie (PG-13)
"Disaster Movie" follows the comic misadventures of a group of ridiculously attractive 20-somethings during one fateful night when every known natural disaster and catastrophic event--asteroids, twisters, earthquakes, the works--hits the city. Not only must they make their way to safety, but they must attempt to end the rampant destruction by solving a series of mysteries. Taking aim at everything and everyone, from "Indiana Jones" and "Iron Man" to Amy Winehouse and High School Musical, "Disaster Movie" lampoons the blockbuster movie, pop culture icons and public figures along the way.
1 hr. 30 min.
Opened August 29th, 2008
"Disaster Movie" follows the comic misadventures of a group of ridiculously attractive 20-somethings during one fateful night when every known natural disaster and catastrophic event--asteroids, twisters, earthquakes, the works--hits the city. Not only must they make their way to safety, but they must attempt to end the rampant destruction by solving a series of mysteries. Taking aim at everything and everyone, from "Indiana Jones" and "Iron Man" to Amy Winehouse and High School Musical, "Disaster Movie" lampoons the blockbuster movie, pop culture icons and public figures along the way.
1 hr. 30 min.
Opened August 29th, 2008