What the Snow Brings (Yuki ni negau koto) (NR)

A "Banei Race" pits draft horses, whose ancestors were the dobbins, against one another, each pulling a 200-plus pound sledge over various obstacles. These draft horses bend their enormous bodies over and do their best. The film concerns what happens when these horses and a young man, who struggles for the present but still walks towards his future with his family, come together in their lives.
1 hr. 52 min.
Opened June 8th, 2007

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A "Banei Race" pits draft horses, whose ancestors were the dobbins, against one another, each pulling a 200-plus pound sledge over various obstacles. These draft horses bend their enormous bodies over and do their best. The film concerns what happens when these horses and a young man, who struggles for the present but still walks towards his future with his family, come together in their lives.
1 hr. 52 min.
Opened June 8th, 2007