Humenetomy (NR)


Have you ever wondered what body part would be the boss over the human body? This is something that people either don’t realize, don’t take into consideration, or really don’t care about. Bobby understood this very well, as he tells his friends, Leonard and Harold something that they didn’t know or understood before. Bobby Owns “Bobby’s Cut Above” barbershop in Union N.J. and he tells this amazing tale to his friends, while they’re hanging out at the local pizzeria. The film’s about how the body parts had an argument over who should be the boss over the human body, and how they go to a small claims court to prove their point. Each body part will have a short film (As Proof) to show why each of them should be the boss. On the flip side, the other body parts will cross examine with short films (As exposure) to show why that body part can’t be the boss alone, through various forms of incompetence. The story starts in the pizzeria and will be exposed to the world.

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Have you ever wondered what body part would be the boss over the human body? This is something that people either don’t realize, don’t take into consideration, or really don’t care about. Bobby understood this very well, as he tells his friends, Leonard and Harold something that they didn’t know or understood before. Bobby Owns “Bobby’s Cut Above” barbershop in Union N.J. and he tells this amazing tale to his friends, while they’re hanging out at the local pizzeria. The film’s about how the body parts had an argument over who should be the boss over the human body, and how they go to a small claims court to prove their point. Each body part will have a short film (As Proof) to show why each of them should be the boss. On the flip side, the other body parts will cross examine with short films (As exposure) to show why that body part can’t be the boss alone, through various forms of incompetence. The story starts in the pizzeria and will be exposed to the world.