Pandora and the Flying Dutchman (NR)

A legendary film, which has been elevated to haute cult status. A dutchman, living in the 17th century, is not permitted to rest until he finds a woman who loves him enough to die for him. He meets the reincarnation of a woman from his dead past and falls in love. The story progresses to a hair-raising reconciliation of past and present.
Drama, SciFi/Fantasy
2 hr. 6 min.
Opened February 7th, 2020

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A legendary film, which has been elevated to haute cult status. A dutchman, living in the 17th century, is not permitted to rest until he finds a woman who loves him enough to die for him. He meets the reincarnation of a woman from his dead past and falls in love. The story progresses to a hair-raising reconciliation of past and present.
Drama, SciFi/Fantasy
2 hr. 6 min.
Opened February 7th, 2020