Waitress (2007) (PG-13)

A woman trapped in a life from which she dreams of escape, Jenna's secretly hopes to save enough money from her waitressing job to leave her overbearing and controlling husband. She is a sharp, sassy woman with a gift for making unusual pies whose recipes are inspired by the trials, tribulations and circumstances of her life. An unwanted pregnancy changes the course of events giving her an unexpected confidence via letters to her unborn baby.
Comedy, Romance
1 hr. 44 min.
Opened May 2nd, 2007
MovieGoer Review
The late Adrienne Shelly's final film is one of the tastier treats in some time—yet not too tart. There's even a temptation to wake that crusty, old film proverb "a chick flick that guys can enjoy" from hibernation.
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A woman trapped in a life from which she dreams of escape, Jenna's secretly hopes to save enough money from her waitressing job to leave her overbearing and controlling husband. She is a sharp, sassy woman with a gift for making unusual pies whose recipes are inspired by the trials, tribulations and circumstances of her life. An unwanted pregnancy changes the course of events giving her an unexpected confidence via letters to her unborn baby.
Comedy, Romance
1 hr. 44 min.
Opened May 2nd, 2007
MovieGoer Review
The late Adrienne Shelly's final film is one of the tastier treats in some time—yet not too tart. There's even a temptation to wake that crusty, old film proverb "a chick flick that guys can enjoy" from hibernation.
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