Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins (PG-13)

Given a new face and identity, a street-smart NYC cop is recruited into a super-secret organization which roots out crooks so powerful they defy traditional law enforcement. With the help of a mischievous martial arts trainer, Remo Williams will be the agency's instrument of justice. First assignment -- stop a traitorous arms merchant.
Action/Adventure, Thriller
2 hr. 1 min.
Opened October 11th, 1985

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Given a new face and identity, a street-smart NYC cop is recruited into a super-secret organization which roots out crooks so powerful they defy traditional law enforcement. With the help of a mischievous martial arts trainer, Remo Williams will be the agency's instrument of justice. First assignment -- stop a traitorous arms merchant.
Action/Adventure, Thriller
2 hr. 1 min.
Opened October 11th, 1985