The Black Dahlia (R)

A tale of obsession, love, corruption, greed and depravity that revolves around a true story of the brutal murder of a fledgling Hollywood starlet that shocked and fascinated the nation in 1947 and remains unsolved today. Two ex-pugilist cops, Lee Blanchard and Bucky Bleichert, are called to investigate the homicide of ambitious silver-screen B-lister Betty Ann Short -- aka 'The Black Dahlia' -- an attack so grisly that images of the killing were kept from the public. While Blanchard's growing preoccupation with the sensational murder threatens his marriage to Kay, his partner, Bleichert, finds himself attracted to the enigmatic Madeleine Linscott, the daughter of one of the city's most prominent families -- who just happens to have an unsavory connection to the murder victim.
Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1 hr. 59 min.
Opened September 15th, 2006
MovieGoer Review
Although The Black Dahlia admirably coalesces James Ellroy’s searingly brilliant noir novel into a sharp, streamlined screenplay, director Brian De Palma’s campy approach and questionable casting sever the style from the substance as br... MORE

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A tale of obsession, love, corruption, greed and depravity that revolves around a true story of the brutal murder of a fledgling Hollywood starlet that shocked and fascinated the nation in 1947 and remains unsolved today. Two ex-pugilist cops, Lee Blanchard and Bucky Bleichert, are called to investigate the homicide of ambitious silver-screen B-lister Betty Ann Short -- aka 'The Black Dahlia' -- an attack so grisly that images of the killing were kept from the public. While Blanchard's growing preoccupation with the sensational murder threatens his marriage to Kay, his partner, Bleichert, finds himself attracted to the enigmatic Madeleine Linscott, the daughter of one of the city's most prominent families -- who just happens to have an unsavory connection to the murder victim.
Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1 hr. 59 min.
Opened September 15th, 2006
MovieGoer Review
Although The Black Dahlia admirably coalesces James Ellroy’s searingly brilliant noir novel into a sharp, streamlined screenplay, director Brian De Palma’s campy approach and questionable casting sever the style from the substance as br... MORE