The Namesake (PG-13)

"The Namesake" is the story of the Ganguli family whose move from Calcutta to New York evokes a lifelong balancing act to meld to a new world without forgetting the old. Although parents Ashoke and Ashima long for the family and culture that enveloped them in India, they take great pride in the opportunities their sacrifices have afforded their children. Paradoxically, their son Gogol is torn between finding his own unique identity without losing his heritage. Even Gogol's name represents the family's journey into the unknown.
2 hr. 2 min.
Opened March 16th, 2007
MovieGoer Review
Kal Penn’s decision to temporarily give up his partying ways and play it straight pays off with The Namesake, even if director Mira Nair’s heartfelt multigenerational soap opera outstays its welcome.
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"The Namesake" is the story of the Ganguli family whose move from Calcutta to New York evokes a lifelong balancing act to meld to a new world without forgetting the old. Although parents Ashoke and Ashima long for the family and culture that enveloped them in India, they take great pride in the opportunities their sacrifices have afforded their children. Paradoxically, their son Gogol is torn between finding his own unique identity without losing his heritage. Even Gogol's name represents the family's journey into the unknown.
2 hr. 2 min.
Opened March 16th, 2007
MovieGoer Review
Kal Penn’s decision to temporarily give up his partying ways and play it straight pays off with The Namesake, even if director Mira Nair’s heartfelt multigenerational soap opera outstays its welcome.
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