Tamara (2006) (R)

After a teenage prank on the unpopular girl in school, Tamara, goes horribly wrong, the pranksters decide to cover their tracks and bury the body. However, death won't keep Tamara down. With a new, seductive look and a motive for a revenge to match, Tamara hunts down and kills all those involved in her death.
Horror, SciFi/Fantasy
1 hr. 31 min.
Opened February 3rd, 2006

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After a teenage prank on the unpopular girl in school, Tamara, goes horribly wrong, the pranksters decide to cover their tracks and bury the body. However, death won't keep Tamara down. With a new, seductive look and a motive for a revenge to match, Tamara hunts down and kills all those involved in her death.
Horror, SciFi/Fantasy
1 hr. 31 min.
Opened February 3rd, 2006