Keeping Mum (R)

Reverend Walter Goodfellow, a bumbling town vicar, lives with his wife Gloria and his two children (Holly who has a new boyfriend every week and Petey who is the whipping boy for the school bullies) in the small English town of Little Wallop. Gloria desperately tries to keep up appearances as the Vicar's wife but she's finding that her children and her hapless husband are just not enough for her any more, so she's planning to run off with Lance her American golf instructor. Totally confused with her life and sick of the barking dog next door, the nosey neighbor across the road, her sexless marriage and Lance's indiscretions -- she prays every night for salvation. Enter Grace, the answer to Gloria's prayers: a charming, discreet housekeeper (with a wicked secret) who has her own unique definition of keeping house -- and an unusual knack for problem solving
1 hr. 43 min.
Opened September 15th, 2006
MovieGoer Review
The latest in a long line of ''quirky little English village'' comedies is charming enough, but Keeping Mum doesn't break any new ground.
In 1960s England, a young, pregnant woman is arrested and sent to a facili... MORE

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Reverend Walter Goodfellow, a bumbling town vicar, lives with his wife Gloria and his two children (Holly who has a new boyfriend every week and Petey who is the whipping boy for the school bullies) in the small English town of Little Wallop. Gloria desperately tries to keep up appearances as the Vicar's wife but she's finding that her children and her hapless husband are just not enough for her any more, so she's planning to run off with Lance her American golf instructor. Totally confused with her life and sick of the barking dog next door, the nosey neighbor across the road, her sexless marriage and Lance's indiscretions -- she prays every night for salvation. Enter Grace, the answer to Gloria's prayers: a charming, discreet housekeeper (with a wicked secret) who has her own unique definition of keeping house -- and an unusual knack for problem solving
1 hr. 43 min.
Opened September 15th, 2006
MovieGoer Review
The latest in a long line of ''quirky little English village'' comedies is charming enough, but Keeping Mum doesn't break any new ground.
In 1960s England, a young, pregnant woman is arrested and sent to a facili... MORE