Poseidon (PG-13)

When a rogue wave capsizes a luxury cruise ship in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a small group of survivors find themselves unlikely allies in a battle for their lives. As the unstable vessel rapidly floods with water, they face unimaginable odds and life-altering decisions in their desperate fight to the surface.
Action/Adventure, Drama
1 hr. 38 min.
Opened May 12th, 2006
MovieGoer Review
Relatively low on the cheese meter and high on realistic visual effects, Poseidon is just plain good old fashioned disaster flick fun, perfect for a summer evening at the movies.
After a very brief meet and gree... MORE

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When a rogue wave capsizes a luxury cruise ship in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, a small group of survivors find themselves unlikely allies in a battle for their lives. As the unstable vessel rapidly floods with water, they face unimaginable odds and life-altering decisions in their desperate fight to the surface.
Action/Adventure, Drama
1 hr. 38 min.
Opened May 12th, 2006
MovieGoer Review
Relatively low on the cheese meter and high on realistic visual effects, Poseidon is just plain good old fashioned disaster flick fun, perfect for a summer evening at the movies.
After a very brief meet and gree... MORE