Monster House (PG)

Although no adults will believe them, three children realize a neighbor's house is really a monster. They must find a way to stop the house and save the neighborhood.
Animation, Action/Adventure
1 hr. 31 min.
Opened July 21st, 2006
MovieGoer Review
In the age of movies as financial entities, it’s hard to see precisely which “group”--age or otherwise--Monster House appeals to. But one possible explanation is that, aside from the loud-criers “group,” it may just appeal to ever... MORE

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Although no adults will believe them, three children realize a neighbor's house is really a monster. They must find a way to stop the house and save the neighborhood.
Animation, Action/Adventure
1 hr. 31 min.
Opened July 21st, 2006
MovieGoer Review
In the age of movies as financial entities, it’s hard to see precisely which “group”--age or otherwise--Monster House appeals to. But one possible explanation is that, aside from the loud-criers “group,” it may just appeal to ever... MORE