Love, Ludlow (R)

Myra is a hard-working temp from Queens, who, after years of self-imposed celibacy, accepts a date with Reggie, a dashing young executive in the office where she currently works. Her brother, Ludlow, however, is not amused. Not prone to dating, since caring for Ludlow has been her only priority since the untimely death of her mother, Myra's loneliness has inspired her to take one last swing at romance; and she's going to take the chance, no matter what her brother says or does about it. Ludlow, an aspiring finger painter confined to the apartment because of manic episodes, is determined to destroy the budding relationship that threatens his exclusive hold on his sister's love, while Reggie finds he must fight for Myra's affection and prove his commitment. Ultimately Reggie takes the biggest risk of his life, and Ludlow discovers that acceptance affords him a measure of dignity.
Romance, Comedy
1 hr. 37 min.
Opened January 27th, 2005

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Myra is a hard-working temp from Queens, who, after years of self-imposed celibacy, accepts a date with Reggie, a dashing young executive in the office where she currently works. Her brother, Ludlow, however, is not amused. Not prone to dating, since caring for Ludlow has been her only priority since the untimely death of her mother, Myra's loneliness has inspired her to take one last swing at romance; and she's going to take the chance, no matter what her brother says or does about it. Ludlow, an aspiring finger painter confined to the apartment because of manic episodes, is determined to destroy the budding relationship that threatens his exclusive hold on his sister's love, while Reggie finds he must fight for Myra's affection and prove his commitment. Ultimately Reggie takes the biggest risk of his life, and Ludlow discovers that acceptance affords him a measure of dignity.
Romance, Comedy
1 hr. 37 min.
Opened January 27th, 2005