The Aristocrats (NR)

Comedy veterans and co-creators Penn Jillette and Paul Provenza capitalize on their insider status and invite over 100 of their closest friends -- who happen to be some of the biggest names in entertainment, from George Carlin, Whoopi Goldberg, Drew Cary to Gilbert Gottfried, Bob Saget, Paul Reiser and Sarah Silverman -- to reminisce, analyze, deconstruct and deliver their own versions of world's dirtiest joke, an old burlesque, too extreme to be performed in public, called 'The Aristocrats.'
1 hr. 26 min.
Opened July 29th, 2005
MovieGoer Review
You'll need to wash your hands after this one. Wading in a sea of four-letter words, The Aristocrats talks every bit as dirty as South Park in a college locker room, times 100--plus add in the perversion of John Waters' A Dirty Shame. A hit... MORE

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Comedy veterans and co-creators Penn Jillette and Paul Provenza capitalize on their insider status and invite over 100 of their closest friends -- who happen to be some of the biggest names in entertainment, from George Carlin, Whoopi Goldberg, Drew Cary to Gilbert Gottfried, Bob Saget, Paul Reiser and Sarah Silverman -- to reminisce, analyze, deconstruct and deliver their own versions of world's dirtiest joke, an old burlesque, too extreme to be performed in public, called 'The Aristocrats.'
1 hr. 26 min.
Opened July 29th, 2005
MovieGoer Review
You'll need to wash your hands after this one. Wading in a sea of four-letter words, The Aristocrats talks every bit as dirty as South Park in a college locker room, times 100--plus add in the perversion of John Waters' A Dirty Shame. A hit... MORE