Because of Winn-Dixie (PG)

A lonely young girl named Opal adopts an orphaned dog she names Winn-Dixie (for the supermarket where she found him). The bond between the girl and her special companion brings together the people in a small Florida town and heals her own troubled relationship with her father.
Drama, Family
1 hr. 46 min.
Opened February 18th, 2005
MovieGoer Review
Because of Winn-Dixie--about a girl, a dog and a sleepy town that needs a little shaking up--is one of those sugary sweet, if slightly clichéd, movies tailor-made for the whole family. I feel bad even saying it's corny because it means so ... MORE

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A lonely young girl named Opal adopts an orphaned dog she names Winn-Dixie (for the supermarket where she found him). The bond between the girl and her special companion brings together the people in a small Florida town and heals her own troubled relationship with her father.
Drama, Family
1 hr. 46 min.
Opened February 18th, 2005
MovieGoer Review
Because of Winn-Dixie--about a girl, a dog and a sleepy town that needs a little shaking up--is one of those sugary sweet, if slightly clichéd, movies tailor-made for the whole family. I feel bad even saying it's corny because it means so ... MORE