Without a Paddle (PG-13)

Three young guys go into the Oregon wilderness in search of a lost treasure. They take a canoe upriver, and everything that can go wrong does. Hunted by two backwoods dope farmers, they encounter death-defying rapids, tree-hugging hippie chicks and a crazy old mountain man.
1 hr. 35 min.
Opened August 20th, 2004
MovieGoer Review
An occasionally very funny movie that tries way too hard to teach life lessons to its three white-bread heroes.
Nice guy Jerry (Matthew Lillard), is the same numbingly trite character we've seen in hundreds of ot... MORE

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Three young guys go into the Oregon wilderness in search of a lost treasure. They take a canoe upriver, and everything that can go wrong does. Hunted by two backwoods dope farmers, they encounter death-defying rapids, tree-hugging hippie chicks and a crazy old mountain man.
1 hr. 35 min.
Opened August 20th, 2004
MovieGoer Review
An occasionally very funny movie that tries way too hard to teach life lessons to its three white-bread heroes.
Nice guy Jerry (Matthew Lillard), is the same numbingly trite character we've seen in hundreds of ot... MORE